Wash and Wax
The Wash and Wax Package consists of a full body wash, including door/boot shuts, wheel arches being flushed of any salt, grit and dirt, wheels and barrels cleaned in detail. non-caustic and bio-degradable products are used in all stages including the prewash stage along with a safe 3 bucket method to prevent any alloy/uncoated surfaces from being ruined and to help minimise the chances of inflicting any scratches and swirls. High quality wash mitts and drying towels used at all times and blow dried where needed, finished off with all trims and tyres dressed, interior windows cleaned and exterior windows cleaned with a rain repelling cleaner,
Interior Valet
The Interior Valet consists of a deep clean on all upholstery, floor matts, and any leather or alcantara, Vents and ashtrays cleaned with detail swabs, all trim scrubbed and dressed to a satin finish, windows cleaned/polished, finished off with an ozone treatment if needed and a blast of air freshener.
Deep clean, Polish and Protect
This package entails all of the above, along with a more detailed exterior valet, you’ll get a full decontaminating wash where all tar and iron fallout will be removed chemically and mechanically, a light polish to remove any browning and dullness, add gloss and to lightly fill any swirls all topped with a 4-6 month ceramic sealant, which can be upgraded to a 12 month ceramic wax where requested for the added cost of £10
Maintenance Valet
To qualify for The Maintenance Valet, you need to have already had the Deep clean valet, you must commit to a valet every 4 weeks to maintain the vehicle at a standard to how it was after the deep clean was initiated, all wax is kept topped up, interior is kept tidy, any new scratches will be polished out were possible and so on.. your car will stay as fresh as the day we first came!
Lease Return Valet
(Unit Based, Would reqiure the car for a full day.)
This Valet is for them returning their car to a leasing company, to minimise the risk of charges with the lease company this valet does all the work for you, the inside is made to look as it did when you took ownership of the vehicle and the exterior is to be presented better than the day of collection, the main points that get picked up (with a ruler) are scratches, scuffs and dents. This package removes 90% of the scratches and scuffs where paint isn’t needed along with a gloss enhancing polish to draw the eye away from any other defects, a clean car has more chance of not even being checked over and is set to save you lots of £££
New Car Detail
(Unit Based, Would reqiure the car for 1-2 days.)
The New Car Detail offers a polish to remove scratches, swirls and fallout that has occured from leaving the factory to changing hands with dealerships etc, it requires the car to be less than 6 months old on the day of booking, you also get a complimentary valet included.
Enhancement Detail
(Unit Based, Would reqiure the car for 1-2 days.)
This Detail is the middle ground detail for used cars, this will achieve an 80-85% scratch and swirl removal to bring the paint back up to a decent standard,you’ll get a full decontaminating wash where all tar and iron fallout will be removed chemically and mechanically and to be topped off with a ceramic sealant which can be upgraded to other sealants/coatings. You’ll also receive a complimentary valet, an ozone on the interior to wipe out any lingering smell finished off with a lasting scent.
Full Correction
(Unit Based, Would reqiure the car for 2-3 days.)
This Full Correction Detail is for the avid car enthusiast who wants 90-95% of scratch’s and swirls removed to bring the paint back up to a like new condition, you’ll get a full decontaminating wash where all tar and iron fallout will be removed chemically and mechanically, a 2/3 stage cut and polish topped off with a ceramic sealant which can be upgraded to other sealants/coatings, you’ll also recieve a complimentary valet, an ozone on the interior to wipe out any lingering smell finished off with a lasting scent.
Add Ons
5 Year ceramic coating
2 Year ceramic topper to add longevity to the 5 year coating
2 Year ceramic coating
Wheels off detail
Upholstery/Leather Protection
Hazardous waste removal and cleanse
Upholstery Shampoo
Engine bay dress up